Owner: Jim Grago of USA
Since: 2007
Current Whois: http://whois.domaintools.com/clixsense.com
Minimum Cashout: $8
Payment Method: Paypal, Payza, Liberty Reserve, Check
Pay per Ad: $0.001 to $0.01
Numbers of Ad per day: 4-
Average daily income on clicks: $0.04
Clixsense is one of the ELITE paid to click sites out there. It has been in the industry since 2007. It has developed greatly and users are quite satisfied. It has a well administrated forum, where in users can interact and give tips and advises.
Not only clicking links it offers some fun stuff, Like CLIXGRID. Where in you have 25 chances to win up to $5 by just a position in a gridded picture.
Clixsense also have also TASKS and OFFERS which also give you credits in exchange of some extraordinary tasks
Generally, Clixsense is on the best and established PTC out there. If you want to venture in to PTC money making, here one that is a must for you.